- RFPs & Construction Bids
- La Colonia Park Master Plan
- Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Improvement Project
- Marine Safety Center Upgrade
- Neighborhood Traffic Management Program
- Playground Renovation Project
- Safe Routes To School
- Shoreline Project (Sand Replenishment)
- Glenmont Pocket Park
- Santa Helena Neighborhood Trail
Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Improvement Project
The project study area for the Lomas Santa Fe Drive Feasibility Study extends from Sierra Avenue on the west side of Highway 101 (where the roadway is called Plaza Street) to Highland Drive at the City’s eastern boundary. The City’s goal for the Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Feasibility Study is to identify physical improvements that could be constructed to improve the character, safety, walkability, bikeability and circulation along this key east-west arterial through the City of Solana Beach.
Below area action items that are underway or have been completed since the project began in 2017. The newest actions are listed at the top and the oldest actions are listed at the bottom. The following is a project approach for past and future phases:

Phase III of the Lomas Santa Fe Corridor project will provide design services for proposed improvements along Lomas Santa Fe. The consultant will use the comments obtained from the public in Phase II and the direction from Council to provide revised layout plans for the corridor. As previously decided, roundabouts will not be studied or included as part of the improvements.
As directed by the City Council at the meeting in September 2018, all roundabouts have been removed from the project.
Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Improvements – Final Design Plans
Phase III Project Workshop Presentation Materials
A Project Workshop was held on Wednesday October 30, 2019. At the Workshop, the community was again asked to provide input on the plans for the corridor improvements. Listed below are all of the materials that were presented at the Project Workshop. Please note that some of the files are very large and may take some time to download. Please be patient. The design team provided an update on what has changed since the May 2019 Open House.
Phase III Open House Presentation Materials
An Open House was held on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 where the community was again asked to provide input on the plans for the corridor. Listed below are all of the materials that were presented at the May 29, 2019 Open House. Please note that some of the files are very large and may take some time to download. Please be patient.
To provide input on the project, please send comments and suggestions to Dan Goldberg in the City of Solana Beach Engineering Department at 858.720.2474 or dgoldberg@cosb.org.
Phase II (2018)
The goal of Phase II was to prepare a preliminary design for Lomas Santa Fe Drive from Highland Drive to Highway 101 that would, among other things, improve the pedestrian and bicycling experience. The first phase of this project, which included a public walk audit, a workshop, and a council meeting. City Staff, with the help of professional consultants, used the information, recommendations and feedback received from the first phase and prepared new design concepts that would make the corridor more user-friendly for all users, with emphasis on pedestrian and bicyclists.
A Community Workshop to discuss the new design concepts of the Lomas Santa Fe Corridor Improvement Project was held in May 2018. During this workshop, the design team presented the concept plans and design alternatives for the audience to review and comment. The community was invited and encouraged to attend this workshop and share your ideas and receive your feedback.
After further meetings with the community, the City Council decided to move forward with the project and eliminated all roundabouts from the project.
Phase II Workshop Presentation Materials
Listed below are all of the materials that were presented at the May 24th workshop. The item titled Lomas Santa Fe Questionnaire is a comment sheet that allows you to provide any comments or concerns you have about the project. Please note that some of the files are very large and may take some time to download. Please be patient.
Phase I (2017)
A community workshop was held to identify transportation issues and proposals along the Lomas Santa Fe corridor. The workshop was Monday, May 15, 2017,
- Corridor Study Focus Area Map
- LSF Corridor Walk Audit
- LSF Walk Audit Comment Forms
- LSF Corridor May 15, 2017 Workshop
- Western Corridor Exhibit
- Central Corridor Exhibit
- Eastern Corridor Exhibit
- Freeway Corridor Exhibit
- Community Workshop Survey Form
- LSF Corridor May 24, 2018 Workshop
- Project Open House