Fletcher Cove Storm Drain Beautification Project

The City of Solana Beach invites artists to submit proposals for an artistic rendering/design of a metal outlet grate for the storm drain structure at the base of Fletcher Cove Beach. This project aims to beautify the storm drain dissipator structure by replacing the aging metal outlet grate with a distinctive and attractive new design. The City seeks a public artist to create a captivating design rather than replacing the existing grate.

Please review the City's official RFP for Artistic Design of Storm Drain Outlet Metal Grate before submitting an application.

Deadline: Friday, August 23rd by 5:30 PM

Submit Your Artistic Design Here!

Project Overview

The City of Solana Beach is executing the Fletcher Cove Ramp Remodel project, which includes upgrading the storm drain discharge structure by replacing the aging metal dissipator grate with a new artistically designed grate.

Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), the City invites public artist(s) to submit proposals for a for a new metal dissipator grate located at the base of Fletcher Cove Beach, the City's most popular beach destination.

The goal of the project is to beautify the storm drain dissipator structure at the base of Fletcher Cove Beach by creating a distinctive and attractive new design for the metal outlet grate. The City seeks a public artist to create a captivating design rather than replacing the existing grate.

Submitted proposals must include a comprehensive artistic rendering/design of a new metal grate that:

  • meets the engineering specifications (please view Design Requirements tab)
  • should elevate the structure's aesthetics by being unique and visually appealing
  • should convey attributes of Solana Beach - for inspiration, artists may refer to Fletcher Cove Park, the Coastal Rail Trail, the City's entry signs, existing public art, and the coastal setting.

Please note: the artist(s) will not be responsible for manufacturing or installing the grate. The selected design will serve as a conceptual guide for the City's contractor, who will be chosen through an official bid for the Fletcher Cove Ramp Remodel project. The City’s Engineering Department will work closely with the contractor to create a shop design that adheres as closely as possible to the selected design.

Deadline: Friday, August 23rd by 5:30 PM


The selected artist shall receive an artist stipend of $2,000. The stipend is exclusively for the completion of a comprehensive design. 

It is important to note that the artist will not be responsible for manufacturing or installing the grate, this stipend is only for the design of the grate.

Design Requirements

Artistic Considerations

Artists are encouraged to bring their creativity and artistic vision to this project. The proposed grate design should be visually appealing and a distinctive feature that will contribute to the overall beautification of Fletcher Cove Beach.

The proposed design should:

  • Reflect the coastal and community spirit of Solana Beach.
  • Convey attributes of Solana Beach or be inspired by local landmarks such as Fletcher Cove Park, the Coastal Rail Trail, the City's entry signs, existing public art
  • Enhance the visual appeal of the storm drain structure at Fletcher Cove Beach.

Engineering Specifications

Since the selected design will serve as a conceptual guide and the artist will not be responsible for manufacturing the grate, all submitted proposals must adhere as closely as possible to the engineering specifications. This will ensure the storm drain functions properly and that the contractor can replicate the design without major modifications. Please refer to Exhibit A for a detailed understanding of these specifications.

Grate Panels Structure:

  • The dissipator grate consists of two separate 8’h x 8’w grate panels.
  • Each grate panel operates independently, and each panel are connected by three hinges at the top.
  • The design must allow for a gap between the two panels, ensuring no elements connect them so they can function independently.
  • The grate design must include vertical bars and at least one horizontal bar in the middle of each panel to provide structural strength.
  • Artistic curving of the metal is permitted as long as the 6.0” gap requirement is met.

Gap Specifications:

  • All components of the metal grates must be spaced 6.0” (+/- 1/4 inch) apart.
  • This specification is crucial to ensure the grate functions properly as a storm drain dissipator, allowing water to flow out normally while preventing debris from entering the storm drain.
  • The design must maintain the 6.0” (+/- 1/4 inch) gap consistently across all sections of the grate.

Panel Positioning:

  • The dissipator grate panels are positioned at a 41-degree angle, with the bottom resting on a baffle wall 7 feet in front where the top is secured by hinges.
  • The design must take this sloped orientation into account to ensure aesthetic appeal from the tilted viewpoint.

Material Specification:

  • All materials for the dissipator grate will be made of Type 316 Stainless Steel.
  • Although the artist will not be manufacturing the grate, familiarity with metalwork and the properties of Type 316 Stainless Steel is important to ensure the design can be feasibly replicated by the contractor.
Submission Details

The submission deadline is Friday, August 23, 2024, by 5:30 PM PST.

All submissions must be made online using the SurveyMonkey platform. Do not send applications directly to the City of Solana Beach.

Application Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/COSB-Storm-drain-Design

Required Materials for Application:

  • Proposal Form: Include the name, contact information, and address of the artist or team.
  • Design Concept: Detailed artistic rendering of the proposed grate design.
  • Qualifications: List of relevant experience and examples of previous artwork or landscape design.

All entries must be the original design and artwork of the applicant. Entries that use a copyrighted or trademarked image will not be accepted. Entries must not be plagiarized, stolen, or copied. Artists may submit art that is owned by the artist; the art concept does not have to be original solely for this call for art.

Pursuant to Solana Beach Municipal Code §3.08.120, the City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any irregularities or informalities in proposals received.

If an individual, firm, partnership, or company submits the proposal, the name of the individual, firm, partnership, or company, along with the name of the general partner, must be provided on the proposal form. Include all contact information and the current street address of the individual/partnership or business.

Submit Your Design Here

Selection Process
  • Review: City Staff and the Public Arts Commission (PAC) will review all submitted proposals.
  • Recommendation: PAC will recommend finalists to the City Council's Public Arts Standing Committee.
  • City Council Review: Proposals will be presented to the City Council for final consideration.
  • Contract: The selected artist will complete the required contractual process with the City in order to receive the artist stipend.
  • Construction Bids: The project will go out for construction bids per City requirements.
Additional Information

Important Documents

Important Notes for Artists

  • Artists must submit a design proposal that meets the engineering specifications as closely as possible, otherwise the submission will not be considered.
  • Artists are responsible for the design only and not the installation or manufacturing
  • The selected design will be used as a conceptual guide for the final product.
  • The Engineering Department will include the selected design in the official bid for the Fletcher Cove Ramp Remodel project.
  • The Engineering Department and selected contractor will handle the technical details of manufacturing and installing the grate. 
  • The goal is to create a visually appealing and structurally sound dissipator grate that enhances the overall aesthetic of Fletcher Cove Beach. 
  • The design should reflect the unique character and beauty of Solana Beach.
Contact Us

For questions, please contact Kayla Moshki by:

We encourage artists to bring their creativity and vision to this project. Help us transform Fletcher Cove Beach with a distinctive and beautiful new storm drain grate design. Thank you for your interest in enhancing our community!