City Profile
In 2020, the population of Solana Beach was approximately 13,000 residents. The City's boundaries enclose an area of 3.5 mi2 with 1.7 miles set along the coastline. Temperatures average 62 degrees in winter and 77 degrees in the summertime.
Click the links below for more data and information about the City:
- Solana Beach History
- City Statistics and Demographics
- The Data Surfer website provides a variety of census, statistical and forecast data for the San Diego region including Solana Beach.
- City Government
School Districts
The Solana Beach School District (SBSD) is comprised of seven elementary schools. It offers a long tradition of rigorous academics, coupled with innovative and experiential learning opportunities and social-emotional supports designed to maximize learning for each student. Find out more
The San Dieguito Union High School District (SDUHSD) serves students from five elementary school districts in North County: Encinitas, Rancho Santa Fe, Cardiff, Solana Beach, and Del Mar. Students from those districts matriculate through ten middle schools and high schools scattered throughout North San Diego County. Earl Warren Middle School is within Solana Beach City boundaries. Find out more
There are two K-12 private schools within the boundaries of Solana Beach.