Temporary Shower Closure at Fletcher Cove Beach

The beautiful mosaic shower at Fletcher Cove Park is getting a well-deserved refresh! To complete this maintenance, the shower will be temporarily closed starting Thursday, February 6th for deep cleaning and restoration. This work includes washing the wall, removing mineral deposits, staining, and applying a protective sealer to help preserve the mosaic’s vibrant colors and intricate details.
To ensure the sealer cures properly, the shower will remain closed for five days and is scheduled to reopen on Thursday, February 13th. In the meantime, visitors can use the showers at Tide Park Beach Access and Seascape Beach Access, which will remain open and unaffected by the maintenance work.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we complete this refresh to keep Fletcher Cove’s beloved amenities in top condition. Thank you for helping us maintain this special community space!
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Engineering Department at (858) 720-2470 or pw-eng@cosb.org.