Summertime Pet Safety Tips

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Date: Jul 13 , 2023

Is your pet ready to beat the summer heat? Humans are not the only ones impacted by heat, animals can die in a heat wave.Discover crucial tips to keep your furry friends safe and comfortable. From providing shade and cool water to avoiding hot pavement and dangerous car trips, learn how to ensure your pets stay cool and protected this season. Don't miss out on these essential tips for pet safety!

County Animal Control Officers often become busy during the heat responding to rescue calls ranging from animals left in yards without water and shade to those trapped in hot garages or cars.

Pet safety tips:

  • Keep your pets indoors if the temperature is lower inside
  • Exercise pets in early morning hours or early evening to avoid prolonged exposure to the heat. Avoid strenuous runs or hikes
  • Keep your pets’ water supply in a tip-proof container, always topped off, and be sure it stays cool (pets will not drink water that is too hot)
  • Consider a misting system to keep the outdoor areas cooler
  • Be sure your pet has shade ALL DAY, if they are outside. Remember, the sun’s position changes during the day
  • Do not take your pets for car trips unless absolutely necessary. A car can heat up very quickly. On an 85 degree day, a car can reach 102 degrees in 10 minutes and soar upward even with the windows down an inch or two
  • Don’t take your dogs for walks on the hot pavement. If it is too hot for you to walk barefooted, then don’t make your dogs do it either
  • Consider adding a child’s wading pool for your dog. Many dogs will keep cool by “taking a dip”