May is Wildfire Awareness Month

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Date: May 06 , 2024

There are several proactive measures that you and your family can implement to make sure you are equipped in case of a wildfire. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) provides valuable resources on how to prepare for wildfires. Wildfire Preparedness in California: Ready, Set, Go! | CAL FIRE (

Cal Fire provides detailed instructions on how to prepare for a wildfire emergency. They advise creating a comprehensive wildfire action plan that includes establishing a designated meeting location, identifying escape routes, planning for pets and livestock, and developing a communication strategy. Cal Fire also offers informative materials for parents to effectively communicate these important details to young children.

A recommended item to have on hand is an emergency supply kit, also known as a "Go Bag." It is crucial to have this prepared in advance of a potential wildfire event. The kit should contain essential items such as non-perishable food, water, a map highlighting evacuation routes, prescriptions/medications, spare clothing, vehicle keys, credit cards, a first aid kit, a flashlight, duplicates of important documents, pet food, and other necessary supplies. Ensure that the Go Bag is easily accessible for quick evacuation if needed.

Several strategies can be implemented to enhance the protection of your home. Creating and maintaining a defensible space and hardening your home are effective measures in safeguarding your residence from wildfires. Many home ignitions during wildfires are caused by airborne embers, which can travel long distances and ignite flammable materials around the home. By hardening your home, you can mitigate the potential impact of flying embers. Additionally, establishing defensible space provides a protective buffer between your home and potential wildfires, reducing the risk of exposure to radiant heat and subsequent ignition. Reducing combustible materials and incorporating fire-resistant plants are recommended practices in establishing effective defensible space.

Taking a proactive approach in preparing yourself, your family, and your home for a wildfire is essential. Please visit Wildfire Preparedness in California: Ready, Set, Go! | CAL FIRE ( for more detailed information regarding these topics.