Habitats for Native Pollinators & Western Monarchs

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Date: Apr 25 , 2024

On April 23rd, the City, alongside the Climate Action Commission and SeaWeeders Garden Club, united to enhance and expand the native pollinator habitats in our community. Together, we planted over 200 native nectar and milkweed plants across Solana Beach, including the Coastal Rail Trail, La Colonia Park, and Fire Station. These plants are crucial for nurturing a safe habitat for native pollinators and Western Monarchs. 

The City would like to give a special thank you to the SeaWeeders for helping plant these across our community.

In 2021, the City and SeaWeeders took the National Wildlife Federation pledge, leading to the creation of the first pollinator park at La Colonia Community Center and a city-wide milkweed giveaway for residential gardens.

This collaborative effort is a vital part of our city's initiative to expand healthy pollinator ecosystems, aligning with our Mayor's Monarch Pledge. Since 2021, native milkweed and nectar plants have been added along our Coastal Rail Trail, Fire Station landscape, Boys & Girls Club branches, and neighborhood gardens.

Monarchs, with their mesmerizing beauty and crucial role as pollinators, deserve our utmost attention. By raising awareness about these magnificent butterflies, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of their importance to our environment.

Our city takes immense pride in our commitment to monarch conservation and habitat preservation. By creating welcoming spaces filled with nectar-rich plants, we provide nourishment and sanctuary for these captivating insects, fostering biodiversity and sustainable ecosystems.

As a community, let's continue to embrace monarch awareness and work together to safeguard these extraordinary creatures. By planting pollinator-friendly gardens in our yards, supporting local conservation efforts, and educating others about the importance of monarchs, we can make we can make a lasting impact.